Certificate of Deposit

A CD from Nebo Credit Union is perfect for members who want to set a portion of their savings aside and let it grow. With terms of up to five years, competitive interest rates, and a $50 minimum, saving has never been more reliable or more easy.

6 Month 4.15% Access My Account
12 Month 4.15% Access My Account
24 Month 3.95% Access My Account
36 Month 4.00% Access My Account
60 Month 4.20% Access My Account

Nebo Credit Union retains the right to change rates and fees without notice.

Account Benefits

money Icon

Earn 0.05% APY when you maintain a balance of $100 or greater in your account.

check Icon

There are no fees to open an account, and we'll give you up to one cashier check per day.

chat Icon

Call or text any time during business hours to talk to a real teller, never a call-center.

debit card Icon

Lost your debit Card?

Call 1-800-472-3272

Protection Icon

Apply for overdraft protection and ensure you never miss a payment.

Click below to get started. We're excited to serve you!